Marie Elsie López Adames
Partner Attorney
Practice Areas
• Securities Litigation and Arbitration
• Labor & Employment Law
• Administrative Law
• General Civil Law

Court Admissions:
• Supreme Court of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico
• United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit
• United States District Court for the District of Puerto Rico
• Notary Public
• Asociación de Abogados de Puerto Rico
• Pubic Investors Attorneys Bar Association
• Loyola University of Chicago - Chicago, IL
Natural Sciences
• University of Puerto Rico Law School - Río Piedras, PR
Bachelor of Sciences
• University of Puerto Rico Law School - Río Piedras, PR
Juris Doctor
Experience Overview:
Marie Elsie López Adames while a student in law school worked for two years as a law clerk to the specialized labor law firm of Domínguez & Totti where she came in close work contact with the now US District Court Senior Judge Daniel R. Domínguez. Her performance since the beginning earned her an early appointment to a position as attorney in that law firm and later, when President Bill Clinton appointed Mr. Dominguez to the Federal District Court of Puerto Rico, she also earned a position as Judge Dominguez first law clerk. She also worked with Federal Judge Gilberto Gierbolini Sr. (RIP) in whose chambers she had the unique opportunity, at an early stage in her career, to celebrate status conferences with attorneys for the different parties as well as scheduling conferences with attorneys by herself among other assignments. She was then recommended to work at the largest firm in Puerto Rico, McConnell Valdes, in the labor department under the supervision of Mr. Radamés “Rudy” Torruella (RIP) and Alfredo Hopgood Jovet. While at McConnell Valdes, López-Adames came in close contact with large multinational clients with complex labor litigation matters as well as with social legislation issues and had the opportunity to participate at the different levels of litigation and trial preparation. After such experience she was appointed by the then Secretary of Justice, José A. Fuentes Agostini, as Auxiliary Secretary Head of the Division of Opinions, Contracts and Act no. 9. While there she supervised a total of 13 attorneys and 6 assistants in the different aspects of the applicable laws and also had the experience of managing the division in all its operations. Eventually she joined Homero González López as partner where she has been able to handle a whole array of matters for clients from the private and public sectors and in different areas of the law including labor and employment, securities arbitration, civil rights, administrative law, among others. During the last years López has concentrated her practice in securities litigation handling arbitrations on behalf of investors together with the Wall Street firm of Zamansky, LLC.